How I Made An Extra $1413.96 in August ‘22

My August side hustle total is in and as always I was pleasantly surprised with the results. I didn't reach my goal of $1,500 this month, but I still managed to beat my previous record so that's a win in my books.

I spent most of August dealing with back to back illnesses and injuries, so I've been prioritising self care and rest over my side hustles.

Fortunately, I was still able to make a fair bit of extra money this month because my side hustles are pretty flexible, so my earnings weren't really affected when I was feeling under the weather.

In August, I was able to make an extra $1,413.96 from home by using the following sites.

Disclosure. This post contains affiliate links meaning I may get a commission if you sign up. I will only ever recommend sites that I actually use.

Surveys $601.16

Surveys have been a great source of income for me. I do spend a considerable amount of time doing surveys, roughly 1-2 hours a day, which I usually do while watching tv when the kids are in bed. Even if the kids are up, it's still easy enough to do surveys throughout the day whenever I have a few minutes to spare. I also try to check survey sites on the computer when I get a chance because there's usually more surveys available there than on my phone.

The best survey sites for me this month were:


AttaPoll was my biggest earner again this month. There were quite a few surveys popping up that would pay over $1.10 for 3 minutes.
As always there were plenty of low earning surveys, but I never bother with those.

You can sign up to AttaPoll here.

Octopus Group

Octopus Group has always given me great survey opportunities and this month was no exception. It can take some time for surveys to become available, but when they do they're always well worth the time.

You can sign up to Octopus Group here.


I enjoy using PureProfile because it usually has plenty of surveys to choose from and they all pay a reasonable amount.
This month I was able to redeem a $100 gift card through PureProfile which I put towards presents for some of the birthdays we celebrated this month.

You can sign up to PureProfile here.


PurplePatch had some great paying surveys and market research opportunities in August. They didn't have a huge amount of surveys available, but the ones that did pop up were well worth it.

You can sign up to PurplePatch here.


Swagbucks surprised me this month with some great paying surveys. There's normally a lot of surveys available which mostly pay peanuts, however it is worth keeping an eye out for the occasional gem.

You can sign up to Swagbucks here.

Cashback $159.32

The cashback apps I used in August were ShopBack and CashRewards .

In August we celebrated a few birthdays, including our son who turned 3. I made sure to buy their gifts through cashback apps so I could get some money back for my purchases.
I love cashback sites because it's a quick and easy way to get some money back on thing I was going to buy anyway.

You can sign up to ShopBack here and CashRewards here.

Savings Trackers $234.85

I managed to sell quite a few savings trackers and charts this month through my Etsy store, as well as on my website. I’ve been super busy so I didn’t have a chance to create any new designs, but I'm hoping to get a chance soon to work on something new and different.

Market Research $305

I really enjoy taking part in market research opportunities because not only do they pay me a great amount considering the time and effort involved, but they can also be quite interesting and thought provoking.
This month, I was paid to give my opinions in multiple online forums and panels.

These market research invitations have come from participating in surveys through AttaPoll and PurplePatch.

ReceiptJar $50

I've been hoarding points through ReceiptJar for some time now and this month I was able to redeem another $50, on top of the $50 I redeemed last month.
ReceiptJar is an app that allows you to scan your receipts for points that can then be redeemed for gift cards.
It was slow going at the start but it's getting easier to accumulate points as time goes on.

You can sign up to ReceiptJar here, using the referral code MADISOC7

Saving Like Mad Blog $63.63

I was very excited last month when my blog was monetized through Google Adsense. Although there's been some teething issues, overall it's been a nice way to bring a bit of extra money in.

Because I didn't reach my goals this month, I'm setting the goal again to make an extra $1,500 in September. I'm planning to sign up for more market research opportunities as they're usually well worth the time and hopefully that will get me across the line.

Follow SavingLikeMad on social media to keep up to date with my side hustle journey, aswell as tips and motivation for saving money.

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How I Made An Extra $1250.91 in October ‘22


How I Made An Extra $1339.12 In July '22