How I Made An Extra $1,097.97 In July ‘23

Another month down and our expenses have gone up yet again. I’ve been updating our budget every time something becomes more expensive and boy do these things add up fast. Thankfully, my side hustles have definitely helped ease the pressure of the never ending price rises we’re being bombarded with.

My side hustles kept me busy this month, as did the cold that made it’s way through my household. Fortunately, the kids recovered just in time for me to celebrate my 28th birthday, which meant we were able to venture out of the house and actually have some fun.

In July, I was able to earn an extra $1,097.97 by using the following sites and apps.

Disclosure. This post contains affiliate links meaning I may get a commission if you sign up. I will only ever recommend sites that I actually use.

Surveys $319.34

It’s been absolutely freezing where I live so we’ve been spending a lot more time indoors. Although I do miss the nice weather, I’m also happy to be able to spend more time doing surveys while sitting on the couch under a mountain of blankets.

On average, I spent about an hour and a half each day doing surveys this month, and lucky for me there was no shortage of surveys to choose from.

The best survey sites for me this month were:


PureProfile was my favourite survey site again this month. This has been my go to site lately as they’ve had a lot of surveys available and they pay a decent amount.

You can sign up to PureProfile here.


AttaPoll can be hit and miss. They have a lot of surveys available but most don’t pay enough to bother with. I make sure to only complete the ones that pay more than $0.20 a minute.

You can sign up to AttaPoll here.

Octopus Group

Octopus Group gave me a bucket load of surveys again this month, which meant I was able to redeem another $100 gift card to put towards my groceries. They do offer bank transfers but there’s a discount for gift cards so I personally prefer to redeem that way.

You can sign up to Octopus Group here.


PurplePatch was a bit quieter this month but I still managed to complete a few good surveys through them. I really like this site as their surveys pay really well and often lead to market research opportunities.

You can sign up to PurplePatch here.


I spent a lot of time again this month playing games through Swagbucks and managed to score myself enough points to redeem cash through PayPal. Because it was my birthday, I also received a discount off my redemption which I thought was pretty cool.

You can sign up to Swagbucks here.

Cashback $98.42

The cashback apps I used in July were ShopBack and CashRewards.

I was very lucky and got everything I wanted for my birthday. That’s because I bought everything myself then gave it all to my husband to give to me on the day. As always, I made sure to utilise cashback as much as possible.

You can sign up to ShopBack here and CashRewards here.

Savings Trackers $227.50

I’m still selling savings trackers through my Etsy store and on my website. I didn’t get a chance to spend a whole lot of time on them this month, but fortunately I still made quite a few sales.

Market Research $345.00

I’ve been loving market research lately. These include product testing, reviews, online diaries and mystery shopping. I really enjoy these because they usually pay heaps and I even end up with really cool freebies.

The market research invitations I received came from participating in surveys through AttaPoll and PurplePatch.

ReceiptJar $5.00

ReceiptJar is an app that allows you to scan your receipts for points that can then be redeemed for gift cards. I consistently scan all of my physical and digital receipts using the app and I’m now at a level where I get a nice amount of bonus points. It’s easy and quick to use so it’s certainly not a bad way to make a bit of extra money.

You can sign up to ReceiptJar here. Make sure to use the referral code MADISOC7 to receive 200 points when you scan your first receipt.

Blogging $102.71

I’ve been earning a pretty consistent amount through my blog which is absolutely amazing to me. These earnings come from ad revenue and although it took some time to get up and running, it’s certainly paying off now.

I’ve really been enjoying my side hustles and I’ve settled into a nice routine with them. I love being able to make money from home and I’m always on the lookout for new ideas. My goal is to again earn $1,000+ month in August and to try and get those bills down as much as possible so we can keep our heads above the water.

Follow SavingLikeMad on social media to keep up to date with my side hustle journey, as well as tips and motivation for saving money.

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How I Made An Extra $1,191.12 In June ‘23